Find a condom that fits.

Find a condom that fits right

The foremost reason for unsafe sex in the gay world and beyond has to do with condoms. If we’re honest, people just don’t seem to like them much. For some, the erection is lost the instant they try to put one on, others find a loss of sensation to such an extent that sex becomes less pleasurable, more boring.

Condoms can be staid, static and party-killing, according to populist theory. But this doesn’t have to be the case at all. There are a plethora of brands, sizes, colours, widths and lengths available, a mind-boggling array of types out there. You can get XXL Titans with ribbed casing for those who really want a rough ride, or Lifestyles ‘snugger fitting’ rubbers with inbuilt lubricant for the smoother lovemaking gentleman. 

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Perhaps the sheer amount of this range can put people off, but experimentation is key to finding the perfect size and most comfortable fit. As far as experimentation goes, it’s hardly one of the more arduous chores one can think of, than having a lot of sex. Other issues surrounding the condom issue include the embarrassment of standing at a counter and asking for a particular size (or flavour), but the rise of internet shopping should have put paid to that, and who’s really going to judge you in a Soho sex shop for buying condoms?

The free condoms given out in bars and saunas are a great idea, but if you find that they don’t fit, look around and see what’s available and perhaps you’ll surprise yourself with how you can perform, in a safer way.

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