I met this girl named Tina – she made all my hair fall out 


Crystal Meth. It’s a crystallised drug, you burn it, you smoke it. You get high, you dance for days, you’re horny, you have loads of sex. You don’t need to eat, drink or sleep. Your body’s metabolism is flaring and you’re happy, energetic, feeling like you’re in love. Every time reality comes creeping cold to snatch away your soul, you burn the warmth of another glass pipe.

Here’s the deal: unlike most other drugs, crystal meth will make your hair fall out. Not actually because of the chemicals in the drug itself, but because of the other aspects attendant on its use: the not eating, not sleeping, the manically speeded-up metabolism. Once your body is massively deprived of nutrients in this way, the last thing it’s going to use its precious proteins on is your hair.

Malnutrition is going to cause pretty heavy hair loss pretty damn quickly. Don’t believe us? Here’s some supporting quotes from our friends off the internet:

Lacey: “My hairs falling out, and it has been ever since i dunno maybe a couple months after starting to use really heavily. Ive been clean for 3 months and its still falling out.”

Rainbow Brite 8260: “Mine falls out in clumps. I have bald spots now. I used to have the most beautiful hair…I would get complimented on it almost daily. And now I have almost NO hair. Thanks to meth.”

Dells: “My daughter has been using for about 5 yrs,she used to have the most beautiful thick naturally curly hair, now instead of a “ponytail” it’s the size of a minitiature poodle tail! Also it breaks off about 2 inches from her scalp a lot.”

danimal55: “As our bodies cannibalize themselves, what few nutrients that are left onboard go toward vital functions rather than beautiful hair. As our teeth surrender their calcium we can lterally watch them shrink and decay. As stated, hair breaks off, falls out, whithers……no need to wonder why”

We’re not writing this because we’re cleancut health freaks who wish to crow that we’ve got full heads of hair and that you, poor pitiful crystal meth user, soon won’t have any. We’re not writing it as part of a perverse sales pitch on hair transplants to the drug-using community. We’re writing it because we know this world and we’re fed up of turning up at parties seeing boys and men we used to know not just wide-eyed and drug-fucked, but like jittery, scarecrow silhouettes of their former selves.

If you do use meth and you’ve read this post thinking ‘well maybe I can avoid the hair loss just by making sure I eat when I’m on it’ then you’ve missed the point. We used the threat of hair loss as a dramatic play on people’s vanity, it could just as easily be teeth loss, which meth’s corrosive properties achieve in much quicker time, it could be the shocking premature aging of skin or it could be lesions on your penis.

We’re not your parents, we’re not didactic preachers and fuck knows we’re not exactly epitomes of shining moral guidance. But we do care about our community and we don’t want to see it decaying before our eyes.

If you have issues with your drug use, or wish to seek help or advice, then contact Antidote LGBT at



  1. all very scary, perhaps they are trying any message to get this across, that this is a nasty drug, that is killing life and people.
    you hair, teeth, nails all suffer, what’s happening inside you??, especially your head, your mind, its a soulless drug, be careful, easier to not do it..


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