29/05/11: For far too long one has been sitting at home in the rocking chair, rollers in hair, beclad in a winceyette nightie. No more! The Bank Holiday weekend was going to be pinned to the wall and force-fed a truckload of drunken Deputy Editor in every orifice. After two full days of feral trashbaggery, this corpse hauled her addled carcas into Downtown; talking to buff boys and cool people at a great venue is one of the chores you endure when working for a glossy fag rag. Thankfully, the co-mingling of Jodie Harsh’s party-lovin’, hard-bodied studs from the glossy Room Service with the skinny jeaned hotties and grubby Shoreditch cool of Kris Di Angelis’ and Tom Stephan’s Meat made the “burden” a dream. Brixton Clubhouse is really taking shape and the sun-drenched terrace defied gloomy weather reports of rain and pestilence. Ok, it wasn’t the warmest day, but thankfully the heat was ramped up to nuclear levels with La Harsh’s gogo-infused peep show, as some stunning boys writhed, teased and roped in some perky punters to their naughty shenanigans. Rather than joining in with my patented, sexy ‘Dance of the Seven Veils’, I was planted behind the decks, listening to some amazing sounds from Dmitri Strigun, Tom Davey, Mr Stephan and Di Angelis (the Peter Pan of the gay scene), whilst stealing their booze and fags. Yes, even me, the oldest DJ ligger in the world, manages to look cool under the bright lights of Downtown.

PS: Mad love to Jonathan Bestley, remember that name, you’ll be seeing a lot more of it…

Check out more photos from this event and plan your next night out, all in the palm of your hand with the ‘QX Gay London’ iPhone app. Available to download FREE from the iTunes app store.

Brixton Clubhouse, 469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH
Words by Lee ‘ugliest person at Downtown’ Dalloway
Photos by Dimitris Theocharis

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