Gay Bingo Boat Party

Gay Bingo Boat Party


HRRRNK! London’s Embankment grindrd to a halt on Sunday afternoon as a traffic-stopping gaggle of swaying drag queens and salty seamen stumbled into the road in search of THE event of the gay scene’s social calendar – The Gay Bingo Boat Party! DISCLAIMER: It has very little to do with bingo! The bingo is incidental. It did happen, we think, and someone maybe won a t-shirt or something. Oh and John Sizzle did an impromptu roast of Amanda Freeman (“68 – the amount of false names she’s given at Mortimer Market Centre!”) It’s basically a wonderful day full of the best kind of queer energy (and queer apathy). It’s indescribable, it beggars belief…go to the next one!

The Thames

Photos by Lyla Johnston

Words by Dylan B Jones

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