XXL Valentine’s

XXL Valentine’s

16/02/19: Imagine all the teddy bears that get gifted on Valentine’s Day. Ones holding hearts with cheesy messages on them, holding balloons, or arms open ready for a hug. Now imagine all of those teddies getting together for a night of knocking back beers and fumbling around a dark room. THAT was the XXL Valentine’s party, and you know that these bears have way more than their arms wide open. We grabbed ourselves a nice little blonde bear, and he looked positively adorable nestled in our bed pillows. HA, that sounds like an innuendo… because it is. But could you blame us? Once Pagano gets to the decks and dishes out those tracks we just have to get our hands on a guy. We didn’t get any V Day cards this year, but we sure had a rummage of a heart-shaped chocolate box on Saturday night.

Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark SE1 9UF

Photos by Richard Holland

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