Ku Bar - Topless Bar Boys Put the Hot in Hospitality

Ku Bar – Topless Bar Boys Put the Hot in Hospitality

06/09/19: Have you ever walked into a bar and been overwhelmed by the number of cute boys? It’s almost like being a kid in a candy store, but where the candy needed to be grafted. As is the case in many a store, the most precious stock was behind the till. These topless bar boys put the hot in hospitality, always pouring out those pints with a wink and cheeky grin. It does make flirting with your fellow patrons a little difficult when you’re flanked by adonises. We strategically made our way to the dimly lit Klub downstairs which slightly levelled the playing field. The only issue with the strategy is that levels of drunkenness become ambiguous in a club atmosphere and hitting that fresh air is like a right hook from Tyson. Suddenly our face was fuzzy and walking became infinitely more complicated.

30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square WC2H 7BA

Photos by [HAWT!] Photography

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