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Who is QX?
QX Celebrates Queer Culture & Community. This is only made possible by the wonderful members of our QX family and the fabulous members of our wider LGBTQIA+ community:
Team QX
QX Editor: Ben
Social Media: Daniel
Listings: Jamal & Lucy
Cabaret: Martha D’Arthur
Website Technical Director: David
Website Developer: Noëlle
Advertising: Sales. Please email info@euroworldwidemedia.co.uk with ADVERTISING in the Subject Field. You will be contacted by an appropriate member of the team. We do not accept link building advertising or ‘grey’ advertising/content. All initial communications must specifically clarify what is being advertised.
Recent LGBTQIA+ Community Contributors to QX:
All our contributing writers seek to empower our community.
Professor Alison Oram: Historian
Professor Matt Cook: Historian
Andy Gardiner: Mental Health Advocate.
Mark Ward: Equality Rights Campaigner.
Alexis Gregory: Playwright and Actor.
Mala Kumar: Author.
Pecs: Performers.
Wind Moves Mountain: Writer.
Emmanuel Akwafo: Playwright.
Nick Edwards: Theatre Director.
Mina: Playwright & Director.
Mark Jackson: Artist.
Bi-Curious George: Performer.
Stowe Family Law: Solicitors.
Gary Thomas: Filmmaker.
And a BIG THANK YOU goes out to all the other wonderful people who make QX Magazine possible through their invaluable contribution, helping to enrich all our lives.
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