Cheer Up’s Popalicious Birthday Party

Cheer Up’s Popalicious Birthday Party

13/07/19: There’s nothing more fun than a birthday! Especially when it’s not your own when you’re reminded of your own mortality, withering good looks and impending senescence into decrepitude. Anyway, we digress. Cheer Up’s POPALICOUS Birthday Party was celebrating seven years of putting on their monthly pummelling of pop. The minute Sam Fox started blasting from those speakers, there was no saving the poor cute stranger we had our eye on. We were determined to give him all the imaginary hair flips and booty-drops we could muster. Thinking back, that might be why we’ve been unable to move our head to the left since Saturday night. It could also be what we got up to after those booty-drops impressed said cute stranger, not that we’d disclose such things.

The Eagle, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall SE11 5QY

Photos by Zefrographica

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