Well it’s that time of the year again, campers, when usually sane adults up and down the country throw caution to the wind and dress up as their favourite dead person/mass murderer/fictional monster – all whilst necking as many Jägerbombs and taking dozens of heavily filtered Instagram selfies. But what of the dedicated cabaret queens of the scene, who spend the whole year dressed up to the nines. What macabre monstrosities do they like to go as for Halloween? And what gags do they like to throw into the mix at this supposedly fiendish time of year? We’re just so damn curious here at QX. So you know what we did? We only went and asked them… 



‘To be honest, I’m not a fan of Halloween. Many drag dolls call it a tranny Christmas but it should be a day of rest for us. We spend the whole year dressing up and entertaining the nation in all variations of ghoulish and ghastly drag. Let the hoi polloi have their fun looking scary for a change while we soak our bunions, watch a trashy horror film and cackle at children.’


Martha D’Arthur 

‘What did Dr. Frankenstein get when he put the brain of a goldfish in the body of a dog?’

Don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s great at chasing submarines!’


John Sizzle 

‘I love wearing my Halloween cat outfit. It has six tits and a realistic arsehole that I can lick when the need arises. I’m always fun to have at any Halloween party.’


Lady La Rue

‘Last Halloween, I wanted to go and see a really scary movie so I took Dave Lynn to see a special showing of ‘The Mummy’. It was a long night – she was signing autographs for three hours afterwards.’


Myra Dubois

‘Did you hear about the two gay ghosts?’

They put the willies up each other. (BOOM BOOM!)’


Mrs. Moore

‘I love that I get to freak people out at Halloween, wearing my really big back-combed hair and false teeth all night. My most memorable Halloween, though, was last year, when I played Buffalo Jill in Silence of the Lambs, with the Drama Queens. I was onstage nude! All in the name of art of course. And if all else fails, I just dress up as Lola Lasagne! [laughs]


A Man To Pet

‘Why did the skeleton cross the road?’

To catch the bone collector…’


Rose Garden

‘Halloween has always been huge in Northern Ireland and growing up I always looked forward to it so I could dress up. Go figure?! Back then, I loved dressing as a witch, mummy or a fairy. Now that I’m older I tend to go for the physco-bitch-from-hell look, all blood and smudged lips – a la Carrie. The scariest thing is that it suits me so well! [laughs]


The Bear Did Lady

‘I’m glad it’s Halloween – all the cobwebs in my flat look like decorations. This year I’ll be wearing a T-shirt with ‘Life’ written on it, and I’ll be handing out lemons to strangers.’





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