Actress! Model! Philanthropist! There are many strings to Lanah P’s thong.
She’s lived a rich, flashbulb-illuminated and at times ketchup-spattered life. In fact, she’s lived several lives in one. Nine lives possibly. Like a fabulous, mascara eyed cat, she’s prowled through Soho, shrouded in mellifluous mystery and shambolic shadow.
One of the things she loves to do is release Christmas songs! Her latest, the chilling but gorgeous “Winter of Love” dropped last week. Dylan B Jones got her to tell him a bit more about it.
Hello, Lanah! Tell us about your year.
Well, it’s been a very eventful year – what with the loss of my old friend frontman of the band “The Fall” Mark E. Smith. Mark genuinely had the gift of prophesy and I the same, to some degree. I have always had this weird and sometimes disturbing ability to touch somebody – anybody – and give them either an exact date or near enough date for when they would depart this mortal coil. In the eighties, Freddie Mercury – whom I knew privately for a short discreet and intimate period – was fascinated by what he saw as a spooky psychic ability I possessed. He asked me to tell him of his death. I assured him that there is NO SUCH THING AS DEATH. Because there really isn’t. When you die, you’re actually waking up, because this life in this mental matrix is a dream state aka a nightmare for many. Anyway, Freddie was very adamant I spit it out (I never like to swallow). So I just said 24/11/91 and it will be a blood condition that carries you off – as it’s not the coughing that carries you off, it’s the coffin they carry you off in.
Gosh. Well, what’s the best thing that’s happened this year?
I felt very honoured to be included in French film maker and Artist Natacha Horn’s “One Second Smile” series on Vimeo. Check it out as there are so many inspirational people, all with something brilliant and uplifting to impart. In today’s climate with fascism on the rise, we need all the upliftment we can grab. There are also the awards we’ve been winning for the amazing Claire Lawrie’s documentry “BEYOND! There’s always a Black issue Dear” which has just won the Iris Prize for best short film over in Ireland and also The Bristol Queer Vision Pride Award – and now we’re off to the States with it – although I’m not so keen to go to Trump’s America with it. I think it will do ever so well over there though, because America is suffused with some wonderful people.
Tell us about Winter of Love
I wrote Winter of Love as a eulogy to the world, to be honest with you. Wishing, hoping and praying, you know, it appears on the surface as a traditional Yuletide story of being all on your ownsome. Missing the one you love and whom loves you. I wouldn’t know about that myself, because I have never ever had the personal experience of “the one”. Now I realize I myself have been THE ONE all along as there is no refuge, only the golden light within. In my mind, it’s about the end of empathy in the world and in society. That’s why I call it WINTER OF LOVE. It’s palatable for all genres and – just like me – straddles the genres with one foot in mainstream and the other in the avant-garde. I do love the time of the Winter Solstice. All those twinkly lights and tinsel makes my nipples go like football studs and plenty of Santas ask if I can help empty their sacks as they come down my chimney for a bit of rum and mince.
Finally…what would you like for Christmas?
It’s difficult to compartmentalise your desire to live an authentic life with the fact that the universe may be essentially meaningless. However, to have a big Tim Burton film part come to fruition, that would be nice. I believe I have the makings and would excel in a grand high wizard sorceress role in a blockbuster. Whenever I chant Nam Myho Renge Kyo (I’m actually related to Tina Turner) I truly desire peace throughout the entire world and happiness to all living beings. Not just for Christmas because as we know, humans cannot live without the masculine power struggles that rope everyone into the global fisty cuffs. But it’s such a great opportunity at such a beautiful time for the whole universal paradigm to shift. Whether he was a fictional or real being, Jesus was a socialist and cared about peace and healing of broken and distorted bodies and lives. So if anything, we need to halt this culture of despising towards doing good and berate all those who implement it. I actually don’t believe in hope no. For me, hope has always been the cloying mawkish beggar, whereas FAITH – you must have faith – I don’t mean religious faith, which is ok if it’s practiced as a force for good, as Hope will get you through the fire, But FAITH will have you leap high above and over it.
WINTER OF LOVE is out now on all major platforms including itunes and spotify, with the official video out on December 20th on YouTube.
Photos by Diana Thompson
Make-up by MAC cosmetics
Gown by Jaques Azurgury.