Some random general observations of todays gay community in London.
There is a widespread trend amongst gay men of all ages in delivering ‘quotables’ in a ‘Black’ female Southern/ghetto accent. This is applicable in texts, online or when making points whilst conversing amongst friends.
2) A friendship group will usually dress the same – similar colours, similar general style – whichever they preference amongst the dominant gay London dressing styles I refer to as: The High Maintenance Italian Playboy Look; The Hipster/BOY London Look; The Just-Out-Of-The-Gym look; or The Gay Rudeboy. The Playboy and the Hipster cross into a mutant-style frequently. BOY and Rudeboy, too.
3) The majority of gay men, whether enthusiastically or not, have a female mainstream, chart topping diva singer/artist that they give deference to over any other. This is divided by and large by generation.
BORN BEFORE 1985: Mariah/Madonna/Kylie (weakest link of the line-up)/Beyonce.
BORN AFTER 1985: Rihanna/Beyonce/Lady Gaga/Nicki Minaj/ Azealia Banks (Banks is more touch and go given recent comments – and is more applicable to gay men born after 1990).
BOTH groups have an unexplainable, special affection for Britney.
4) We generally don’t ‘get’ Dubstep.
5) Everyone of all ages has done Heaven at least once in what is essentially the ‘Passage of Rites’.
6) Most of us start to believe we’re passed it – or dangerously close, to – around the age of 25/26.
7) Hampstead Heath, London Fields and any spare bit of grass in Soho Square is where you can find most of the community on any day over 24 degrees.
8) Most people have a club night/gay super-party they give deference to above all others. They strive to get guest listed for this after the first two attendances.
9) The generally subscribed-to convention of good looks in the community is Mediterranean looking; dark skinned, haired and eyed – about 5’10 – 6’2. Muscular to lean build. A strong jaw, but boyish features.
10) A small but very ‘mainstream’ following of gay men have strong preferences for huge and multi-coloured trainers. Usually paired with three quarter length shorts, aviators and a vest.