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We’re half way through National HIV Testing Week and Superdrug has reported a 221% month on month in demand for its PrEP service. Services include their PrEP testing kit as well as PrEP medication.
PrEP has been shown to be highly effective at preventing HIV infection, with over 99% efficacy if taken correctly.

Sexual health care clinics are not always conveniently close.  It’s also become increasingly difficult to get an appointment at some local sexual health care clinics. 

In October 2020, Superdrug became the first high street retailer to offer a PrEP service through its Online Doctor, helping to increase the accessibility of PrEP to those who are at higher-than-normal risk of contracting HIV. Having access to another service has therefor been welcomed by service users. 

“Our online PrEP service, via Superdrug Online Doctor, ensures that those who don’t have easy access to a sexual health clinic due to their location, or lack of appointments, can still easily and discretely access this important service from home. We’re committed to helping people make informed choices and help them take responsibility for their own healthcare. Our PrEP service is just one example of us supporting people and their healthcare decisions not just during HIV Testing Week, but throughout the whole year. ” – Michael Henry, Superdrug’s Healthcare Director 

PrEP has revolutionised the HIV landscape. Alongside regular testing, condoms, effective treatment – which mean those living with HIV can’t pass the virus on, and educational programmes, PrEP has led to a significant drop in the number of HIV transmissions in areas where it’s available.

For more info on PrEP VISIT 56 DEAN STREET


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