You may have noticed our gorgeous cover model, Ollywood, shot by the incomparable Paris-based duo Exterface. Well, Oly is more than just a pretty (Exter)face. We tasked him with finding out a little bit more about men responsible for some of our favourite photoshoots of all time…
OLY: So boys, introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about what Exterface is all about.
EXTERFACE: We are Stephane and Julien from Paris. We started our creative collaboration combining photography and graphic design something like 10 years ago under the Exterface name. Over the years we’ve been exploring male iconography, elevating men as strong and sensual figures. We love to capture stuff and make it our own, write our own script. We see ourselves as visual storytellers!
Your images have such a recognizable look and feel. Describe the Exterface aesthetic in a few words.
Sophisticated, provocative, daring and colorful. It’s European classical painting mixed with retro American porn, topped with Disney’s magical touch.
You work together and you’re a couple, do you ever have creative differences?
We are pretty much aligned on everything to be honest and that’s something we feel really lucky for! We’ve been together for 13 years, same age, it’s a growing and learning experience and an exciting journey to share for sure.
What are each of your roles in the creative process?
Our roles are pretty much the same. The main difference is that during the shoot only one of us has a camera. We are both creative directors of all our projects, from casting to styling, from digital processing to graphic design and layout…
Your work is very highly produced. Would you say you like to present a fantasy world through your images?
It’s a subtle balance between reality and fantasy. We tend to produce our pictures to the point where they become timeless. Still we keep our model very much alive – even though we shoot still images – with a close attention to detail. We want our pictures to exude sensuality just like our model. Literally appealing to all senses, like you could almost smell an armpit or taste sweat on the skin… The model exists yet appears surreal because of that. That’s a visual stimulation and we’re glad to invite people to experience the world as we do.
Whats been your favourite shooting experience so far?
We really appreciate the fact that every shoot is totally different, it’s like a new challenge every time. Creating, pushing the limits together, exploring boundaries, also developing strong relationships over the years. So the experience that we cherish the most is always the one to come, because that’s the unknown and there’s always a promise of greatness and fun!
What photographers inspire you?
For sure Steven Klein, he’s a definite game changer in the fashion industry, visual stories with a unique touch. Robert Mapplethorpe, who was a master of poetry and masculinity. Bruce Weber, who’s able to capture moments of pure innocence and beauty.
“It’s European classical painting mixed with retro American porn, topped with Disney’s magical touch.”
Your calendar featured mythological characters. Where else do you draw inspiration for your shoots?
Most of all we draw our biggest inspiration from our model character. We usually try to feel them prior to the shoot, discussing life and experiences. So a shoot is either a symbolic or fetish representation of who they are, who they could be or who they are dreaming to be.
You find a lot of your models from Instagram. Is that your favorite way to find the guys you want to shoot?
It’s the best way for sure. There’s a sense of easiness. And as it’s very visual, you get an immediate idea of who the model is, what’s his identity, what’s his universe. As we want our models to be the best version of themselves, we love to dig deep into their visual story to know what their best look is, what we could do together… And we also love that immediate interaction with people and the fact that people are not afraid to reach out to us through Instagram. That also goes the other way! Who doesn’t love a good surprise?
What do you look for in a potential model?
We strive for singular beauty, personality and sex appeal. We love them sweet, passionate and fun! We also appreciate them being more interested by creating art than getting more followers. We don’t really care about ego…. Trust is a strong factor too!
If you could shoot anyone alive or dead who would it be?
Joe d’Allessandro. Miley Cyrus. Justin Bieber. Joseph Sayers. Franco Colombu or Loui Ferrigno… And if you guys feel you could be an Exterface icon, just reach out:
You’ve shot sexy guys in many different cities. What’s your favourite country to shoot in?
USA!!! We feel like people are more open and liberated there. We can shoot anywhere and nobody cares! Everything looks more fun and inspiring. The light is ridiculous! It has always been a child dreamland for many reasons, so it feels like we are realizing that dream each visit a little more. It was also our first fanbase, so everything makes total sense!
You’ve worked a lot with Francois Sagat, would you describe him as your muse?
Yes. Also he’s been a strong influence, from porn, to performance art. We’ve always looked up to him. And he also pushed us to explore and to investigate outside our comfort zone. We feel we became better image makers thanks to him and it’s a blessing to count him as one of our closest friends. For all of you who love our collaborations with him, stay wide awake because there’s a lot more coming!
Does living and working in Paris influence your work and style?
Yes of course. It’s like a fundamental base. That’s where we met, fell in love, studied, shot for many years… We do have a love-hate relationship with that city though, we feel there’s a strong disconnection between the future and the past there. It’s sadly a pretty dead city. Everything is too driven by nostalgia and seriousness. Maybe that’s what pushes us to be irreverent and daring and to look for inspiration somewhere else.
Visually stunning and bold, London is a fantastic example of a city that succeeds at combining future and past! We feel a strong respect and appeal to history there, still being very open to new and fun adventures. Quiet and romantic and yet very loud and energetic. It’s all very inspiring. We also love the fact that you still have a queen!
And London guys?
Oly! Look at you!!! We were so dying to make pictures of your striking beauty. Mesmerizing. We might make a trip very soon there so… More London guys!!!
What’s next for Exterface?
Next is a book featuring our most recent escapades and some iconic pieces as well. Shooting porn the Exterface way would be great! More exciting and unexpected collaborations with designers too, because we love design!
Where can people see more of your work?
Our new website is live now! It’s way better and immersive. So go check it out!