As a gay man you need to know that ass eating causes Shigella. Never heard of it? Well you should’ve. It’s weirdly making a comeback in men who love a bit of rimming. It can be transmitted with anal-oral sexual contact, so basically through eating ass, usually passing from the rimmee to the rimmer.
Over in the US, health officials down in San Diego issued an advisory over the spread of the infection, which declared gay and bisexual men who engaged in the act are very susceptible to being infected.
The disease isn’t pretty, with possible symptoms including nausea, vomiting, fever, stomach cramps and tenesums… the feeling of wanting to go to the bathroom all the time. As we said, not pretty. Thankfully these symptoms only usually last for a week. If it goes untreated it could also lead to a bloodstream infection and seizures. YIKES.
You can usually treat Shigella by drinking a whole bunch of fluids and getting plenty of rest. It’s rather similar to the E.coli bacteria so it’s basically a bad stomach bug. You can lower your risk of infection by being extra clean, washing your hands, ass and genitals before and after engaging in sexual intercourse. the LGBT Foundation also recommends using a fresh condom with each sexual partner, and not sharing sex toys.
When eating ass play clean out there boys.
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