We love Coco Peru! She can dig out a cut-price panetonne at Walmart, all while maintaining a flawless, immovable bob! She can negotiate steaming suburban summer traffic while sipping a frothy Frappuccino and phoning her agent on her hands free headset! She can make flan for five with only a couple of hours’ notice and STILL have time to whip up a homemade coulis. She cannot play Grand Theft Auto.
For those of you who’ve been living under a ROCK (or in Kent) for the last few years, Coco Peru is one of the USA’s most respected and established drag performers. She’s been in films, she’s been in TV shows, she’s been on stage, she’s been on YouTube – go to her IMDB and pack a lunch!
She’s particularly loved by UK gays, perhaps because her sardonic, beleaguered way of looking at the world resonates with our bizarre British sensibilities.
Now, in HUGE NEWS, she’s in London as part of the wonderful And What? Queer Arts Festival. Dylan B Jones spoke to her to find out more.
Hello Coco! You’re in the UK! What’s your favourite thing about the UK?
Obviously, I adore the tea and I make sure to drink and buy as much of it as I can. I also love that you spell “favourite” with a U.
We love tea here but we do NOT HAVE Tension Tamer! What’s your go-to alternative when travelling?
What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
Well, my husband, Rafael, is from Spain and it is my second home and it continues to be my favorite place. Plus, I love anywhere that encourages nap time.
I know you love a bargain. What’s the most frugal bargain you’ve ever procured?
Besides free gift bags? Well, the list is too long, but I did just buy a pair of shoes from a store that was going out of business. The shoes aren’t even that nice, but they were comfortable and only 6 dollars. I am now the proud owner of some very ordinary, comfortable shoes! I mean, 6 dollars! In pounds, that’s, like, free!
You have a distinct whiff of the Bree Van De Kamp about you. Have you ever met Marcia Cross on your adventures in showbiz?
Yes, I did a benefit years ago in which I played her, and the entire cast of Desperate Housewives was there, and she was lovely.
Wow! I know you were acting LONG before the character of Bree was conceived. Do you think she was inspired by you?
I heard that the creator of the show may have been inspired by me.
Have you ever had a Bree moment and woken up on a front lawn with sprinklers going?
Not in years! But I can sleep anywhere. I love siestas. Did I mention my husband is from Spain?
What would you say is the best brand of crisp (potato chip) and why?
There is a brand in Spain where they are made with olive oil and sea salt and they are divine and completely fat free (warning – don’t fuck with my delusion!)
Toilet tissue or kind-to-skin wipes?
Really? We’re going there? The truth is I prefer toilet tissue followed up by a skin wipe at which point six white doves come and carry it all away.
Have you ever had a hangover? If so…what is your ultimate hangover cure?
I haven’t had a hangover in years. I stopped drinking many years ago because as I got older even one glass of wine made me feel ill, so it just wasn’t worth it to me. Fortunately, I don’t miss it and I have saved a lot of money. As far as a cure, I love Lemon Ice Bars.
What’s the secret to perfect skin?
No alcohol. Just ruined your day, huh?
I loved your cameo in Arrested Development. What have you done in your life that’s made you pause for a second and say “…I’ve made a huge mistake”?
Waking up in the morning?
Your YouTube videos are legendary! What do you make of how the kids are using social media these days?
I am in awe of how fast the world has changed! When I created Coco there was no internet! I love having young people in my life, they inspire me, and they help me with the tech stuff that I can’t figure out. I honestly think that their brains are forming differently than those of us who are older! And it’s amazing how these young children are even using social media. That one child that reviews toys on YouTube was just reported to be a multimillionaire. I hate kids.
What do you make of Grindr?
I’m not into chain restaurants but they make a wonderful Chinese Chicken Salad!
I’m obsessed with your GTA video. Gaming is even BIGGER now than it is when you recorded it. Have you had any other gaming adventures since?
No, they give me anxiety. I’d rather take a walk and complain about bulk garbage and litter.
If a zombie apocalypse happened, what THREE ITEMS would you rescue from your house and why?
A chain, a cinder-block, and a lock. Once all attached to my legs I’d jump in the deep end of my pool and wish the zombies well and hope that they treat the earth better than the living.
We’ve just had Valentine’s Day! Have you been lucky in love?
Rafael and I will be celebrating 25 years together this coming summer. I’d say that I’m very lucky! We both really have a good sense of commitment and helping each other grow.
What do you make of the phrase “the time has come for you to lipsync for your LIFE (life, life, life)”
Never heard of it! It’s cute, but I sing live and I always SING for my LIFE!
FINALLY – give us some life advice. What should we, QX Magazine, do with our lives?
Continue to support live theatre and be careful with those “kind to skin” wipes, I hear they’re destroying sewer systems worldwide. They may even be more dangerous than that Zombie Apocalypse!
Coco Peru is performing as part of the And What? Queer Arts Festival from 18th – 21st March at The Pleasance Theatre. For more info and tickets, head to qxtickets.com.