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Whilst some everyday rules go out of the window at this time of a year (Prosecco and a Curly Wurly is a legitimate breakfast between Christmas and New Year), it is important to stay sensible during the period of over-indulgence.

Make sure the holiday regret starts and finishes with snogging your boss at the Christmas party, not waking up red as a robin’s breast with these five sexual health tips for the festive season.

Go For Festive Testing

Don’t run the risk of ruining anyone else’s Christmas like a sexual lump of coal and make sure you get yourself comprehensively tested before going on the festive prowl. Locate your nearest sexual health clinic, whether you are celebrating at home or with family this year and make sure you are clean before spreading your Christmas joy.

This is particularly important for those who have not been good boys this year. If you have had unprotected sex since the last time you were tested, it is particularly important to go out and get tested.

‘Go On, It’s Christmas!’ is not Valid Reasoning

Don’t worry about being a Scrooge this Christmas, and always make sure you stick to your personal standards and rules. Never be bullied into doing something you don’t want to do with persuasive arguments of “… but it’s Christmas” or “baby Jesus would want you to be happy.”

Unprotected sex with an untested partner is no less dangerous just because it is the most magical time of the year.

Keep an Eye on Your Drink

Christmas celebrations unfortunately contribute towards an increase in spiked drinks. Make sure you are not a victim by never leaving your drink unattended. Enlist the help of a few friends to look out for one another on nights out and at parties to reduce the risk of attack. The NHS offers a series of symptoms and tell-tale signs helping you determine if someone in your party or group of friends has been spiked.

If you believe you or someone else may have been spiked, it is important to immediately locate your closest A&E.

Pre-Book Taxis

The Christmas period is the busiest time of year for taxi companies, which may make it difficult for you to make your way home following the plethora of drunken Christmas parties you will hopefully be attending. Make sure you secure a taxi prior to bestowing your magnificent presence upon a party to prevent the necessity of crashing at that slightly creepy bloke’s house.

Or if the night looks promising, taxis can always be cancelled.   

Safe Sex Presents

More than hint at your intentions with safe sex presents this year. NHS-run supplier, Freedoms, has recently added Passion Pouches to their stock list: a silk bag containing a selection of condoms – a little more elegant than just gifting a loved one a bumper tub of lube.

Lubes and condom sets also make funny but practical presents for friends, partners and colleagues throughout the Christmas period.

LGBTQ+ wedding Celebrant for when you propose on Valentine´s Day.

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