Grace Carroll’s new play, Drag Baby, will run at Pleasance London from 4 – 22 June. A compelling blend of drag performance and theatre, Drag Baby follows the lives of misanthropic drag queen called Dan and his estranged ex-girlfriend, Sally, who reappears in his life to make an all-important request. The pair then rekindle their friendship as Dan decides whether to be Sally and her girlfriend’s sperm donor or not.
Directed by Joseph Winer, this heart-warming story is sprinkled with outrageously entertaining drag. Winer is known best for VAULT favourite I F*cked You in My Spaceship, which won the Origins Award for Outstanding New Work before transferring to Soho Theatre last year.
A contemporary piece of work that is conversational, realistic, witty and sometimes brutally honest… a great piece of queer theatre ★ ★ ★ ★
½ London Pub Theatres
Drag Baby is a queer-led and hilarious narrative. It tells a story of friendship, legacy and chosen family. Dan must put his fame obsession aside to make a life-changing decision as he grapples between his old and new life. Now, he must think about more than getting on TV and decide whether to follow a nobler pursuit: sperm donation. Relationships are renewed and strained, and while drag mentee Nathan struggles to come to terms with Dan’s arrangement, chosen families come together.
Drag Baby is a truly impressive play. – ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Grace Carroll told QX, “Drag Baby has been a long labour of love for me, and the characters now feel like a family rather than people on a page. It feels more important than ever to share this story about a messy bisexual and a drag queen contemplating making a baby in an environment where LGBTQ+ people, gender fluidity and drag are becoming increasingly under attack.”
Drag Baby runs from 4 – 22 June at Pleasance London, Downstairs, Carpenters Mews, North Road, London N7 9EF, United Kingdom.