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Ghost and John live beautiful lives in London while nurturing hundreds of houseplants to fill a particular “hole.”

Is Two Plant Gaysians a migration story? A gay love story? An ecology story?

Two Plant Gaysians is a two-man show that uses innovative storytelling combining visual languages, dance, dialogue, and comedy.

“A gentle yet unsettling piece. It presents migrant experience in a way I’ve never seen before, with a unique and distinctive aesthetic.”

Kim Pearce, co-artistic Director at Papergang Theatre

The story is about how Ghost and John overcome challenges as a pair of queer migrant artists. They are healing in companionship from activist experiences in protest movements and daily life microaggressions as they navigate a competitive cultural industry and capitalist oppression.

Two Plant Gaysians runs at The Pleasance, 12 October 2024, 4pm & 7:30 pm (Both shows are creatively captioned) Post Show Q&A 12 October 2024 9.00pm (BSL), 5 Carpenters Mews, North Road, London N7 9EF, United Kingdom.

Accompanying workshop

On 22 September 2024 at London LGBTQ+ Community Centre, we are running The Making of Two Plant Gaysians – Telling Migrant Queer Stories.

Come and take a peek behind the curtains of Ghost and John’s Two Plant Gaysians as they share top tips in telling queer migrant stories – all levels in performance making welcome.

More about Ghost and John

Ghost and John are two multidisciplinary artist-researchers with backgrounds in computer science and marine biology research. They are also a cultural entrepreneur duo and a married couple. They are best known for their collaborative approach to delivering socio-political projects using technology to create embodied experiences.

Ghost and John are queer migrant artist-researchers from Hong Kong. Together, they have developed a practice that explores the complexities of the human body and the natural world, along with technological advancements and historical folklore.

Their artwork typically consists of performances, installations, and videos. They explore the fragmented memories of traumatic experiences related to displacement, relationships, social movements, and technological interactions.

Ghost and John are busy cultural entrepreneurs collaborating to drive social change. They are co-founders of Hidden Keileon CIC. This cultural enterprise collaborates with migrant and queer individuals to envision futures of freedom and justice for all by creating diverse and life-affirming projects.

Ghost and John’s living room is their workspace. As a married couple, Ghost and John regularly cook Cantonese dishes and invent new recipes. They love balcony gardening in their London flat, growing new plants from cuttings. They host dinner and board game parties for their close friends and watch absurdist and surrealist films.

gay chat line in London

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