Historic Soho Yard and Stables needs your help to stop new development opposite Madame JoJos.
The Yard bar and restaurant in Rupert Street is fighting development plans to cover the hugely popular, picturesque and last remaining Victorian open stable yard in Soho and dig down to create a large new basement. The developer is also keen to build three new flats over the bar and an historic timber pitched roof would be lost.
The Yard, which is independently run, has been given just a week’s notice that Westminster City Council intends to give the plans approval at a committee meeting next Tuesday, 27 January. The Yard needs your support to help stop this development.
The Yard is a popular part of Soho’s culture that caters for the area’s residents, workers, tourists and the LGBT community. The building has been recognised by Westminster Council as an unlisted building of merit. However, the new development would see it close and another independent trader would be lost from the area permanently. The new restaurant and flats would be sold to the highest bidder and another generic big brand name would replace this magical getaway within the bustling streets of Soho.
The Yard has received support from customers, local councillors, residents and businesses. They need more help to make sure Westminster City Council’s planning committee know how unpopular a decision to redevelop 57 Rupert Street would be.
Local Councillor Jonathan Glanz has come out in support of The Yard, saying:
“The proposals would be an unacceptable intensification on the site, would see customers forced out onto a busy thoroughfare to smoke creating a nuisance and would damage the local Conservation Area. There are very few places where customers can enjoy a drink and smoke away from the busy streets of Soho. Westminster seeks to preserve the culture of Soho and that doesn’t mean there should be no development, but its got to enhance the area.”
Please email Westminster City Council at bpattison@westminster.gov.uk and quote 14/04624/FULL to object to the application.
Twitter – make sure people know how you feel @Yard_Soho @CityWestminster @JonathanGlanz #savetheyard