Going GagaooLala in lockdown.

The Teacher Gagaoolala.com
The Teacher available on GagaOOLala

Perfectly timed to coincide with the biggest lockdown in modern history, Asia´s ´Gay Netflix´ Gagaoolala.com has just been launched and is about to go global. 

While the site and associated apps are currently available in 21 Asian territories at the moment, from early May we should see the planned expansion of the service across another 190! It´s not officially available in the U.K yet, however, if you cannot wait and if you’re security conscious while online you’re pobably already using a VPN and don’t want the world to know where you are anyway. So where needs must, there’s a way. 

Even if you cannot access Gagaoolala.com where you are it´s a great reference source indexing the LGBTQ+ films, documentaries, talk shows and general LGBTQ content out there with an Asian focus. I´m sure a good trawl through Google will help you identify where you can get your movie of choice through an alternative network.

We love world cinema in particular, where a small budget can create a big story, as opposed to a big budget for a small story. We love it even more when the subject of the story reflects us and the world we live in. I´m also encouraged that the service is accessible in countries where our identity and lifestyle is illegal. Even if life feels as if its on hold at the moment, watching a great movie can make us feel good. I´ll be happy just to settle for that.

Visit https://www.gagaoolala.com/ and check out what all the fuss is about. 





