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On Saturday, 8 October, The House of Happiness slung open their doors to over 175 sober ravers for their HOUSEWARMING party.

The House of Happiness team, a queer-led venture, created a great party atmosphere with that OUT-out feeling, but during the day. They also got some fantastic feedback, especially on their social. QX featured London’s newest alcohol and drug-free clubbing sesh a while back.

London’s iconic Electrowerkz provided a fully stocked, alcohol-free bar. The all-female DJ lineup served banging house tunes all day, joined by sober drag queen showgirl Heidi Liscious. The coolest dancers shook their tailfeathers and the glitter artist glitzed up everyone’s faces. The House of Happiness was a rave to remember.

“You’d never tell this was a sober rave,” Co-Founder Jayney told QX. “There was so much energy in the room. It’s about the music, lights and people rather than alcohol. And Electrowerkz provided the perfect venue for that proper clubbing feel. It felt magical!”

house of happiness housewarming party

Resident DJ and Co-Founder Barroness, AKA Emma, took up her dream of DJing when she gave up booze five years ago. The crowd went wild for her set! The team shares a love of clubbing and partying, but they all have unique alcohol-free journeys and reasons behind The House of Happiness.

“Sober inclusion and spaces are needed for all, no matter how you identify, who you love or what you look like.” – Neil, Co-Founder

They’re also incredibly proud that the event attracted not just party lovers from the sober community but also the LGBTQ+ community.

“Creating a fun but safe and inclusive space was super important to us from the beginning. Seeing such a diverse crowd come together to celebrate sober joy was the best. And with no issues! Sober inclusion and spaces are needed for all, no matter how you identify, who you love or what you look like, and we’re so pleased that The House of Happiness represents that!” Co-Founder Neil told us.Will there be more events from the team? “Hell yeh!” says Emma, “Get me on those decks. We’ll hopefully have a new date soon & we can’t wait to show more people that sober doesn’t mean boring”.

Check out more photos of the House of Happiness Housewarming party.



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The pics say it all. Content & updates from The House of Happiness team on Facebook and Instagram: @houseofhappinessofficial.

house of happiness housewarming party

house of happiness housewarming party

house of happiness house warming party


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