The internationally renowned artistic duo Igor x Moreno presents Karrasekare, following their acclaimed works BEAT, Idiot-Syncrasy, and A Room For All Our Tomorrows.
Karrasekare, the Sardinian term for carnival, is inspired by pagan carnival traditions from Sardinia and the Basque Country. It is a raw, surprising, sweaty, and elegant performance exploring the catharsis of communal rituals and traditions.
This electrifying performance transports us to the origins of timeless rhythms that have been integral to our dances for centuries. Karrasekare harnesses these traditional beats to craft a one-of-a-kind, seamless experience, delving into the queer elements of ancient pagan customs observed in public spaces and giving them a new life inside a black box.
By challenging any sense of prudishness, Karrasekare captures the sense of chaos, community and catharsis experienced at folk festivals.
Tickets for Karrasekare HERE
Igor x Moreno
Igor x Moreno’s works are born out of a deep interest in human beings and their unique qualities. Through choreography and predominantly nonverbal forms of communication, they aim to create experiences that can be both unexpected and invigorating while also provoking a sense of unease. Their work, which is meticulously crafted yet firmly rooted in live performance, draws inspiration from various genres and styles.
Igor x Moreno’s creative processes favour questions over answers, action over narration, communication over expression, alterity over diversity, patience over productivity. They don’t see entertainment as their duty but as a helpful communication tool. They work with rigour and playfulness.
The team—from across Europe—gathers in Sardinia and London, from where Igor x Moreno’s works have toured extensively in Europe and also in North and South America, Africa, and Asia. Awards and recognitions include the Rudolf Laban Award, National Dance Awards, and Total Theatre Awards nominations; their works have been selected for Aerowaves (2011, 2013, and 2015), NID Platform, British Council Showcase, and British Dance Edition.
Tickets for Karrasekare by Igor x Moreno:
Karrasekare by Igor x Moreno at The Place, Friday 10 & Saturday 11 May, 7.30pm, 17 Duke’s Road, London WC1H 9PY, United Kingdom.
Tickets £14 & £18.
Free BSL interpreted post-show talk Fri 10 May
Audio described performance with touch tour Sat 11 May