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The lyrics to Freddie Lewis’ Sundays are personal yet relatable, about relationship loss and the associated melancholy. 

Sundays is a soothing song, a perfect blend of indie and soul, and with powerful imagery that brings you into the artist’s personal space. We revisited Sundays several times to enjoy that space, because Freddie’s unique artistry makes you think and feel.

Expanding on Sundays, Freddie told QX, “It’s about figuring out how to fill up my own life in the wake of a significant relationship ending. I’d figured out all the fun things, the late nights and dancing and trips, but in the quiet time there was this space I couldn’t seem to fill. Sundays were the hardest, because they’d always been the highlight of my week. I realised that all the other things were easier because they were a distraction, and sitting at home alone was when the change really set in. Like ‘oh shit I’m on my own now. That’s exciting! And scary.”

Freddie is an artist on the rise, having established himself as a prominent voice in the UK queer community. He launched his music career in 2021 with the single Growing Pains, which hugely impacted our trans community through the viral poem featured in the song. Since then, his music has been played on BBC Radio 1 and 6Music, featured as a cover artist on Spotify, as well as performing at festivals from Glastonbury to The Great Escape.

Where can I see Freddie Lewis?

This Autumn, Freddie goes on his Freddie Lewis Cabaret Tour. The shows will combine queer cabaret with drag, burlesque and live music. There will also be a diverse lineup of guest queer performers. We’ve been promised an altogether more raucous live show.

Freddie Lewis Cabaret Tour

Freddie Lewis Cabaret Tour

25th September – Colours Hoxton – London (w/ Cyro + Richard Energy, Loren Dell-Arco, Kerensa) – Tickets

26th September – Komedia – Brighton (w/ Glew, Prince of Persia, Akin Soul) – Tickets

2nd October  – Feel Good Club – Manchester (w/ Felix Mufti, Vil, Lavender) – Tickets

4th October  – Old Market Assembly – Bristol (w/ Try Me, Cici Noir, Dominique Fleek) – Tickets

LGBTQ+ wedding Celebrant for when you propose on Valentine´s Day.

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