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Next time you’re storming towards Soho listening to Jump by Madonna at 7pm on a Saturday, or stumbling across Old Street on your way to a hook up at 7am on a Sunday, or, if you’re one of those weird people with a job, when you’re on your way to Pret for lunch, keep a weather eye on the city’s phoneboxes. 


Obviously no-one actually USES phoneboxes anymore, except to piss in, or to hide in when it’s raining. They’re good for a sneaky post-clubbing snog too. Everyone still sees them, and loves them, and appreciates them. They’re landmarks! Part of the furniture of our weird, insane, horrid, rude, wonderful, ridiculous, frenetic city.

Well now they’re even MORE iconic, because they’re gonna have gay fetish adverts on them! Yes, our pals over at supercool, supersexy gay kings of kink Recon have started an advertising campaign on the city’s phoneboxes! Amaze! Hopefully they’ll shock some Italian tourists. And turn some others.

“Recon are not only all we look for in a company, they’re all we look for in a man.”

Not only THAT, but they’re giving YOU something too; take photos in as many of the eleven different ad locations as you can, and they’ll give you a month’s free membership for every ad you find! Just post it on Twitter with the hashtag #Reconphonebox and mention @reconnews. Or if it’s Instagram, @reconfetish. It’s like an Easter egg hunt! Except really gay. And with leather.

It’s gonna be all go for Recon with Fetish Week 2016, from July 10th – 17th. Which SEEMS like a long way off, but it’ll be on us before you know it! Time flies when you’re…erm…in a sling.

They also had a great year in 2015, with their annual World AIDs Day campaign raising over £12,000 for GMFA.

So…charitable, sexy, cool AND on point. Recon are not only all we look for in a company, they’re all we look for in a man. Where do we strap in?

West London Queer Project tour around the V&A in London for LGBTQ+ History Month.

What’s on this week