Loneliness is a significant issue for older LGBT+ individuals, with many feeling isolated due to their sexuality.
Re-engage estimates that over 10,000 older LGBT+ individuals in the UK face isolation. The charity works to create a supportive environment that encourages these individuals to connect with others.
“When you feel lonely or depressed because you’ve just lost a partner you can call Re-engage to reach a kind, fellow spirit. People like us who are old and often lonely never need be lonely again.”
Miriam Margolyes
Supported by celebrities like Dr. Ranj Singh and Miriam Margolyes, the campaign emphasises the need for inclusive befriending services. Dr. Singh stresses the importance of addressing loneliness for better mental health, while Margolyes shares insights into the comfort provided by Re-engage.
Launched nearly three years ago, the Rainbow Call Companion Service connects older LGBT+ individuals through regular conversations. The service has helped around 70 people and won an award for its contribution to LGBT health.
“We know that many older LGBT+ people feel they have been exiled from their communities and although they may want to join social groups are afraid to be open about their gender. Unfortunately, they often take the view that they are paying the price for their sexuality. Our Rainbow Call Companion service offers a safe, supportive space where they can talk openly with someone who understands. A weekly call can transform feelings of isolation into a sense of belonging and we want more people to experience this vital connection. We don’t want them to be a lost generation.”
Re-engage CEO, Jenny Willott
Participants highlight the service’s positive impact:
Gordon, 89: “They are tremendously helpful and essential to me.”
Derek, 90: “My only contact is with Jules, and we have good conversations.”
Brian, 86: “I look forward to the calls and always have a smile on my face afterward.”
Re-engage’s Rainbow Call Companion Service is crucial in supporting older LGBTQ+ individuals by providing companionship and community. Continued recruitment of volunteers is essential for expanding this vital service.
If you know someone who could benefit from the Rainbow Call Companion service, please contact Re-engage at Find a Rainbow Call Companion: LGBT+ phone befriending or call 0207 240 0630.