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Winter is upon us and it’s colder than Jacob Rees Moggs’ peanut-sized heart. But something that always warms our soul is a chat with the woman who is adored all across this great and profoundly polarised land; cabaret doyenne, panto dame, soon to be movie star AND winner of the Best Comedy Act gong at this year’s QX Cabaret Awards, MYRA DUBOIS! 

by Jason Reid

Hello Myra, how the devil are you?

Hello Jason, and HELLO QX Readers! I’m very well, thank you. Bit of a cold (can you believe that stars get colds?!) but I’m on the Lemsips so I’ll be over it soon. Annoyingly the kettle’s broken but I’ve got my house-key so I’m just using that.

We missed you at the awards? Did you miss us? 

 Yes of course I missed you all! Once I’d heard I’d won that is…

Where were you when you found out you’d won the first ever Best Comedy Act award and how did you feel in that moment?

Would you believe it, Jason, but I was actually laid-up in me boudoir! A mysterious and undiagnosable fever had engulfed my very famous body and I was totally bedridden. Fortunately, once the text came through telling me I’d won, I experienced a recovery that onlookers might have described as instant. 

It must’ve been a wonderful surprise?

I won’t lie, initially there was a shadow of doubt in my mind. “Best Comedy”? I thought, “But I’m a singer!”. Then the penny dropped: Imagine if I’d have been in the shortlist for Best Vocalist? None of the other nominees would have stood a chance! Putting me in Best Comedy levelled the playing field somewhat. I understand that now.

Your biographer Gareth Joyner picked up the award on your behalf. What’s that relationship like?

It’s a little tense at the moment, and I’m just being honest here Jason. I hope I don’t look like I’m stirring up trouble in the papers when I tell you this but I speak as I find and facts are facts. He’s been getting a little… shall we say, above himself? It’s not that I mind him collecting the award. After all, as my biographer and archivist (a role you think he’d be more grateful for) Gareth is the one who’ll have to catalogue it alongside all my other gongs in my trophy room. But did he have to make a speech? And did he have to pose for photographs?

Credit where it’s due, it’s Gareth that suggested I try my luck on the London stage. Fair enough. Without that nudge, would I be the humble international multi-award winning, as seen on television and soon to be starring in a major motion picture phenomena that you find yourself chatting to right now? Probably not. I’d still be doing the pubs and clubs and South Yorkshire. But I don’t think Gareth Joyner fully understands the ‘butterfly effect’ and, bless his little heart, I do sometimes worry that he thinks he ‘discovered’ me. 

What’s next for you? 

Well I shall be spending Christmas in the theatre actually. It’s an off West-End production, in Leeds. A pantomime; Sleeping Beauty. I only accepted the role because I thought I’d get a lay down. That’s at the Carriageworks Theatre until the 5th of January. After that I’m off to Australia, would you believe, with my hit show Dead Funny which runs at the Sydney Opera House across Mardi Gras. Then we’ll be bringing the show BACK to the UK for a bit of a tour in 2020. If your readers hunt me down on all the social medias, they’ll be able to find out more there. 

Follow Myra on Instagram and Twitter (@MyraDuBois)

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