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STOGGAF is a new Queer Arts Collective. To date, they have curated exhibitions, socials and parties in both London and Manchester. 
Uncensored will showcase upwards of 20 Transgender and Queer artists – from film and photography to painting and sculpture.
Throughout the day there will also be a handful of performances including poetry workshops and life drawing in collaboration with Tabby Lamb and Ben Saunders.

HEDONIST Spring Edition brings back their two legendary rooms to Brixton: TRIP and FADE.

Hedonist will then take-over in collaboration with Trans DJ collectives T-Boys and Drum & Babes – spanning two rooms of Queer music, dance and joy.
You can find a free ticket to the event via the link below which includes access to both the exhibition and the party. 

Free ticket to ‘Uncensored’ Art Exhibition and ‘Hedonist’ Afterparty at

Gay chat line in the UK called QX Chat

What’s on this week