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What is a Gay Chat Line?

A gay chat line is where gay men call a number such as those beginning with 084 and 087 as opposed to a number beginning with 09. 084 and 087 numbers tend to have cheaper access charges than 09. The minimum service charge for these 084/7 numbers is 7p per minute and the maximum is 13p per minute. The service charge is always advertised. For more detail on the charges see below.

Gay chat line services beginning with 08 tend to feature genuine gay male callers looking to chat with other guys. They often have features such as mail boxes where callers can leave messages for each other, as well as live 121 conversation options where gay men have gay phone chat about anything they want to. Gay sex line services are associated with numbers beginning with 09 and are where men talk to paid operators specifically with the intention of having phone sex. 

What are Service Charges and Access Charges?

The cost of calling 084 numbers and 087 numbers is made up of two parts: an Access Charge and a Service Charge.

The Service Charge is what organisations such as QX charge you for accessing the service. The maximum Service Charge cost for calling 084 is 7p per minute, 7p per call or a combination of both. The maximum Service Charge cost for calling 087 is 13p per minute, 13p per call or a combination of both. The Service Charge should always be clearly advertised.

The Access Charge is a fixed, per minute rate charged by your own phone  company for calls to all numbers starting with 084 and 087. The rate depends on which operator you use and the tariff you are on. 

How much will the call cost?

Simply combine the advertised service charge and your phone company’s access charge. The total of the two combined is what your total cost will be for calling the number.

Can I avoid paying an Access Charge?

Calling an 084 or 087 number from a land line is usually cheaper than calling from a mobile. This is because access charges when calling from a mobile tend to be quite high. However, you can avoid your mobile network’s access charge by calling the QX Chat mobile 5 digit short code. Click here to find out more about the QX Chat mobile 5 digit short code. 

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