LOOK WHAT WE’VE DONE! We’ve committed what could either be social scene suicide, or will be absolutely major or both. Either way, it’ll be insanely entertaining. We’re roasting She Who Shall Not Be Roasted. No-one before us has dared! Not even Baga Chipz, and she’s mad. She’d roast Lisa Lampenelli. She’d roast a turnip!
In case you’ve been living under Vauxhall Bridge for the last five years and have never heard of Myra DuBois, let us paint a picture. She’s like an acid-tongued, formidably quick and witty, but slightly drunk, aunt. She’s your friend’s mum you terrified of but fancied a bit (or maybe idolized in like a gay icon way). She’s got her head screwed on, has our Myra. Not much gets past her. She’s less a connoisseur of crass, more a raconteur of wry.
We’re looking forward to seeing how our roasters fare. As experts in the craft of cattiness, they may fare well. Going under Myra’s icy gaze, will be Scottish strumpet Mary Mac, crispy-topped cabaret superstar Lola Lasagne, mealy-mouth Mrs Moore, and self-dubbed “tranny with a fanny” Holestar! And hosted by debauched darling of the East London scene, Ginger Johnson. They’re all absolutely mad. You’d have to be really.
Anyway the REASON behind all this madness, is that it’s for a good cause. We’re doing in association with the Terrence Higgins Trust. All ticket proceeds will be going to them! So at least you’ll be crying your eyes out with laughter and spillin rum and coke down yourself for a good cause. And not only THAT, but it’s at legendary pillar of the gay community, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. It’s always nice to sit among their historic pillars isn’t it.
So bring your friends, bring your boyfriend, bring your parents, bring your grandparents…just warn them that it won’t exactly be your average night out. Maybe take them for a nice Pizza Express after to recover.
• Myra’s Roast is at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern on Thursday 28th July. 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. Doors 7pm, show 8pm. Tickets £10.