Jason Reid get chatting to Minnie Bar, the camp queen who always has a tiny bottle of voddy to hand.
CAMP seems to very de riguer right now, doesn’t it? The queens of Drag Race UK are bringing it to the masses and they’re lapping it up. In my world, it never went out of fashion. Some of the funniest drag artists have always excelled in the art of quick-witted campery. This week I got to know more about one of the newest camp cabaret queens, Minnie Bar…
Who is Minnie Bar?
Miss Bar – Minnie to her friends – is a girthy girl hailing from Yorkshire originally, now living in the big smoke where she serves up her own brand of big songs and belting vocals. Think your drunk great aunt at a wedding crossed with a modern day Hyacinth Bucket, all mixed with a penchant for musical theatre, gin and stuffed crust pizza.
How did you get into drag performance?
I’m a charity queen. I donned the wig and heels for a charity show and found the experience transformative, and the rest is – as they say – history, and a really rapid learning curve.
Describe your performance style in three words.
Classic camp cabaret.
Fave song to perform?
I love doing “Defying Gravity” – it’s a staple for a theatre tart. Big and belty, dramatic, and a message that resonates with me: to live life by your own rules and don’t be held back by naysayers.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Count the new wrinkles that have moved into my ageing visage during another nights slumber and cry a solitary tear.
Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?
Oh SING, darling. Definitely! I am that person on the treadmill belting out show-tunes like I’m on stage. After all, life is a cabaret old chum…
Who’s your drag crush?
Ooooooh that’s a hard one. Wilma Ballsdrop does cut a rather dashing figure out of drag.
What makes you happy?
Dogs and Aperol Spritz.
Who are your fave new drag artists right now?
Poppycock is amazing – seriously stunning voice, wonderful performer and she looks divine. A real triple threat! Scott Lund also does it for me – he just pushes all those buttons and I adore seeing his show.
To find a magical corset that actually transports my excess tummy fat to those less curvy. And world peace. Serious answer: to carry on seeing the joy drag can bring to people and for it to become even more universally accessible and accepted. On a more personal note: lots of fabulous bookings and exciting opportunities.
What are you listening to?
Beetlejuice the musical; I’ve been saying for years that it should happen, that it is an excellent choice for a musical and my demands paid off. Fabulously quirky show, dark, naughty and delicious.
Who should we be following on social media for LOLS?
Cher and Bette Midler; they have me howling, and they’re uber divas so should be enforced reading for all. And Jennifer Lewis for her dramatic piano moments.
RuPaul or Lily Savage?
Team Lily Savage. I do love Ru and her legacy, but give me a Scouse accent, the stale smell of 20 cigs and a risqué gag – and I’m all over that.
What is drag in 2019?
Drag is about entertainment and evolution as an art form, embracing everyone for who and what they are. It’s about blurring those boundaries, breaking down those walls, putting a smile on someone’s face, and having a blooming good time doing it.
Top three drag inspirations?
Maisie Trolette – A performer who radiates warmth and naughtiness that is just infectious, and at 427 years in the game is still inspiring and just a marvel to see on stage; Le Gateau Chocolat – That deep rich baritone voice and pure musicality is magical and every show is a journey that is divine. And Danny Beard – Original, hilarious and ridiculously talented. Total pro and is superbly lovely.
Tell us something about yourself that not many know.
As a child my face graced the rear of buses in my hometown as part of an anti-truancy campaign. Cue jokes about my face being like the back end of a bus…
Minnie Bar will be performing at PopHorror at the RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5HY on Thursday 31st October.